Digital communication

Five Digital communication & Marketing  trends of the past year. 

The digital marketing and communication trends of the past year are as follows:

Live videos and stories

This digital communication\ marketing  trend is seen on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook as well as YouTube. Live videos offer users and their viewers real time engagement . Its free and it takes only a short period to produce. Content that is live streamed can enable marketers , influencers to interact with their target market in the quickest way possible and publishing this content on their stories on Instagram, YouTube ,Facebook and Snapchat the list goes on . DIGITALDOUGHNUT(2020).


Marketers, sellers and organizations prefer using chatbots as a form of communication when it comes to online customer service. Chatbots are artificial intelligence software application used to conduct an online conversation via text instead of providing direct contact with a live human agent . An example is WhatsApp business messaging , businesses are using this app for their daily business operations and for clients , consumers to engage with them through WhatsApp business which is operated by chatbots .DIGITALDOUGHNUT(2020).

Browser push notifications

Web push notifications are notification that can be sent to a user via their desktop web and mobile web regardless whether the users is on the specific website, notifications are delivered any time they have their browser open. An example is browser push notification usually target online shoppers who were browsing through a virtual store and abended their shopping carts these notifications then encourage the consumers to resume shopping and complete their order . DIGITALDOUGHNUT(2020). 

Voice search

Voice search is a system that allows users to search the internet using voice commmand to find search results on a  website or search engine. It has risen to poularity as it is less time consuming as typing out a querie and easly accesible . An example of this trend would be google voice search.DIGITALDOUGHNUT(2020).

Machine learning and AI

Machine learning is the idea that machines can adapt and learn things through experience .AI is the idea that machines can follow through with executing tasks in a smart and efficient way. These two concepts are trending in the digital marketing and have been booming in the past year . An example is uber and bolt cab services the way they calculate the price of the ride and estimate time of arrival on the app is by using machine learning.DIGITALDOUGHNUT(2020).

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